Plants are responsible for our life on the planet, as they provide us oxygen, food and wood. We cannot survive if there is no plant on the earth. But as we all know good comes with bad. Same is in case of plants as well. There are abundance of different plants giving us abundance of advantages but there are some harmful plants which can cause serious health issue if you consume. These plants contain some lethal chemical compounds which can lead you to the death.
I got a list of such plants which are very harmful for humans.
Monkshood |
Aconitum appellants commonly known as Monkshood is the most toxic plant that can kill human. It was also known as
Wolfsbane or Dogsbane because poison collected from Monkshood. Its all parts are poisonous and little dose of its poison can cause serious allergic reaction.
White Snakeroot
White Snakeroot |
Ageratina altissima commonly known as White snakeroot belongs to family Asterales. White Snakeroot contains the toxin tremetol,
when the cattle consumes White snakeroot, the meat and milk of cattle become
contaminated with tremetol. Later when tremetol containing milk or meat of cattle is consumed by human, the poison is passed into humans. If consumed in enough quantity, it can cause tremetol poisoning in humans. The poisoning is
also called milk sickness, because humans often ingest the toxin by drinking the milk of cows that had eaten snakeroot.
Doll's Eyes
Doll's Eyes |
Doll's Eyes also known as White baneberry, scientific name: Actaea pachypoda and belongs to family Ranunculaceae. Whole plant is considered to be poisonous to
humans. The berries contain cardiogenic toxins which can have immediate sedative effect on human cardiac tissue. Berries are the
most poisonous part of the plant. Ingestion of the berries can lead to
cardiac arrest and death. The berries of baneberry are not poisonous to birds.
Strychnine tree
Strychnine tree |
Common name Strychnine tree; scientific name Strychnos nux-vomica belongs to family
Loganiaceae. Strychnine tree, better known as poison nut or Quaker
Button. Its seeds contain poisonous alkaloids strychnine. Small dose of
its toxin can cause painful death to human. Tree's bark also contains brucine and other poisonous compounds.
Angel’s trumpets
Angel’s trumpets |
Brugmansia is a genus plants in the family Solanaceae, which is commonly known as Angel's trumpets. Angel's trumpets are woody trees or shrubs, with pendulous, flowers, that have no spines on their fruit. They come in different shades of white, yellow, pink, orange, green, or red. Most
have a strong, pleasing fragrance that is most noticeable in the
evening. Flowers may be single, double, or more. Its all parts are poisonous. Brugmansia are rich in Scopolamine, hyoscyamine, and several other tropane alkaloids. Effects of ingestion can include paralysis of smooth muscles, confusion, tachycardia, dry mouth, diarrhea, migraine headaches, visual and auditory hallucinations, mydriasis, rapid onset cycloplegia, and death.
English Yew
English Yew |
English yew of family Taxaceae, scientific name Taxus Baccata. Most parts of the tree are toxic,
except the bright red aril surrounding the seed. The foliage remains
toxic even when wilted, and toxicity increases when dried. The major toxin within the yew is the alkaloid taxine.
Symptoms of yew poisoning include an accelerated heart rate, muscle
tremors, convulsions, collapse, difficulty breathing, circulation
impairment and eventually heart failure. However, there may be no
symptoms, if poisoning remains undetected death may occur within
hours. Fatal poisoning in humans is very rare, usually occurring after consuming yew foliage. The leaves are more toxic than the seed.
Castor Beans:
Castor Beans |
The toxicity of raw castor beans is due to the presence of ricin. Although the lethal dose in adults is considered to be four to eight seeds, reports of actual poisoning are relatively rare. This plant is the most poisonous in the world. If ricin is ingested, symptoms may be delayed by up to 36 hours but
commonly begin within 2–4 hours. These include a burning sensation in
mouth and throat, abdominal pain, purging and bloody diarrhea. Within
several days there is severe dehydration, a drop in blood pressure and a
decrease in urine. Unless treated, death can be expected to occur
within 3–5 days.
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