• Cut The Fabric. Cut the fabric to its desired shape and size, Be sure to have it big enough to be able to place your MP3/ iPod inside.
  • Sew the base of the pillow. Be sure to place the part you want on the outside on your end product facing the inside when you first sew it together because you will later be flipping it inside out. Sew along the edges of the pillow, BE SURE TO SEW ONLY 3 SIDES LEAVING ONE SIDE OPEN. Be sure you stitches are strong so you won't run into tearing or ripping issues later on.
  • Cut two other sheets. that are roughly 2-3 inches bigger than your MP3 or iPod. This will serve as its pouch.
  • Sew the two smaller sheets together. Sew along the edges of the smaller sheets and then be sure to LEAVE ONE SIDE OPEN so sew 3 sides and not all 4. 
  • Test run. Be sure that your MP3 or iPod fits in the smaller pouch comfortably.
  • Enjoy! To use this pillow simply place the iPod or MP3 inside the pouch and close the button to prevent it during a pillow fight! You can easily remove it for charging or just to take it out. Place headphones in for calmer listening or take them out to hear your pillow from any where!
  • Sewing the button. Sew a button on the inside of your smaller pouch cut a small hole that will fit the button on the other side and make sure your MP3 or iPod can fit in the pouch with the button on there.
  • Flip the big pouch. Before attaching the smaller pouch to the big pouch flip the big pouch inside out.
  • Attach the smaller pouch. Attach the smaller pouch to the large pouch by opening the small pouch in the big pouch like a mouth and then sewing it around in a circle so you don't sew our pouch shut. 
  • Finishing up. Lastly sew all of the access fabric closed on the 4th side BUT BE SURE NOT TO SEW THE SMALLER POUCH SHUT.


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